How a “simple” work comp accident is complicated! / Cómo un “simple ” accidente de trabajo Comp, es complicado!
Imagine you’re at work, operating a machine and it malfunctions and chops of your toes. Pretty horrible! And an obvious work comp claim. The comp claim is obvious…pay the medical bills (assuming there isn’t the need for future prosthetics) lost wages (assuming you return to the job) and the limited value of the injury (assuming the limp doesn’t cause your knees, hips in low back to fail). THEN, assume you find out the safety guards on the machine were removed by the employer. That means that you could sue the employer civilly. Or, assume that the safety guards did not function correctly. Then you could have a much more significant lawsuit against the manufacturer of the machine. But, then assume that the machine was designed correctly but that the third party maintenance company that repairs it, failed to reinstall the safety guard correctly. Then you could have yet a different lawsuit.
And then assume after all that the employer refuses to make reasonable accommodations for your injuries! Good grief you need help!
The only way you could ever know your rights in all of these situations would be to hire a law firm that has experience and success in workers compensation and personal injury lawsuits. Call Short and Daugherty. 618-655-9499 or 618-254-0055.