Preparing for the Future
Planning for the future is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your loved ones. While it is not something that is generally pleasant to think about or talk about, clients often have a great sense of relief once the process is completed.

Who Needs an estate plan?
Anyone with minor children needs to at least have a will that tells others who they would want to be guardian of their children should something happen to them. This is not a decision that you want left to the courts. In addition, if you want to leave your assets to anyone in any amount that is different that the statutory distribution, you need an estate plan to do that. If you want to decide who will make decisions for you for your health or finances if you are unable to do so, you need powers of attorney. If you want avoid the probate process, you may need a trust or a transfer on death deed.
Who Needs an estate plan?
Anyone with minor children needs to at least have a will that tells others who they would want to be guardian of their children should something happen to them. This is not a decision that you want left to the courts. In addition, if you want to leave your assets to anyone in any amount that is different that the statutory distribution, you need an estate plan to do that. If you want to decide who will make decisions for you for your health or finances if you are unable to do so, you need powers of attorney. If you want avoid the probate process, you may need a trust or a transfer on death deed.