The insurance company knows how many cases your lawyer has tried. Do you? / La compañía de seguros sabe cuántos casos ha juzgado su abogado. ¿Usted sabe?

The first question any insurance company asks, or any defense lawyer asks when a lawsuit is filed is this: who is the plaintiff’s lawyer? THAT IS ALWAYS THEIR FIRST QUESTION The reason is simple. Most lawyers don’t try cases or have tried only a few in their careers. Most lawyers don’t try 10 jury trials in their whole careers. The insurance companies know this and they know the less experienced lawyers or the more timid ones will want to avoid the courtroom and will take much less money to settle. That is not me and it is not my firm’s way. In this calendar year alone, as of 9/17/19 (just 9 months), I have tried 3 jury trial (won 2) and have tried 10 workers’ compensation cases…we win 90% of the time in work comp. I have 2 other jury trials set this year and will try at least 5 more work comp cases.

Because we are very aggressive and very good at what we do, we get great results for our clients. Look, it’s really simple. A lawyer who doesn’t try cases often is not a “trial lawyer” or a “litigator.”

Hire an experienced and successful law firm. Short and Daugherty at 618-655-9499 or go to