Hire the trial lawyer who teaches other lawyers / Contrate al abogado del juicio que enseña a otros abogados

If your looking for a lawyer to represent you in a workers’ compensation claim then consider hiring the lawyer who teaches other lawyers. In June 2020 Keith Short will teach a continuing education seminar to lawyers who practice in Illinois workers’ compensation law. Mr. Short has been asked to teach 2 sections of the 2-day long course. He will teach other lawyers how to analyze and prepare a case for trial (how to successfully try a case) and how to evaluate a case to determine its settlement or trial value. In 2019 Mr. Short tried over a dozen workers’ compensation cases, winning over 90% of the time. He has also won every workers’ compensation appeal he has argued this year. In addition to work comp, Mr. Short has tried 3 jury trials in 2019, winning 2 of those. He tries his fourth jury trial in late November. He practices what he teaches.

If you need an experienced, proven personal injury lawyer call Short and Daugherty, 618-254-0055.