The Best Part of Winning a Trial Isn’t the Money / La Mejor Parte de Ganar un Juicio no es el Dinero

When we win a trial the best part is the look in the client’s eyes…or the sound of their voices.  The best part is seeing the massive weight lifted from the client’s shoulders.

People think that litigation is just about money. It’s not. Today I called one of my client’s to tell him about the judge’s decision we received in the mail.  I wish everyone could have heard the relief in his voice when I told him we won his case. So far he was awarded nearly $500,000 ($400k of it was his medical bills!). Poor guy hasn’t finished treating with surgeons and his employer let him go because he was off work so long. Now he has an income and the bill collectors will back off. We’re on the way to getting his life back on track…or as close as we can to getting him his life back!  The money is great…of course.  But money is spent and gone.  The idea that I can make a good living and really help people is the very best part of this job!