Why Won’t They Accept My Claim? / Por que no aceptan mi reclamacion?

When clients come to see us, they usually have many questions.  One in particular that stands out is, “how can they fight my claim if their insured hit me?”  This is sad to say, but they can do whatever they want.

If the insurance company feels that you are partly responsible for the accident, they will say they you were contributorily negligent.  For example, if a vehicle pulled out in front of you causing a collision, did you keep a proper look out?  Did you reduce your speed to avoid the accident?  These are tactics used by insurance companies to put fault on someone other than their insured.

If you injured a body part that was injured years ago, they will dig into your medical records to see what the treatment consisted of, how long you sought treatment and whether or not you had recurrent problems, etc.  They will use this information to “play down” the injury being caused by this accident or they will claim the accident didn’t make your injury worse.

Many insurance companies will “low ball” you.  They know the more difficult they are to work with, the more apt an individual is to just give up or give in.  Some injured people are out of work and need the money so the insurance companies will use that as leverage to get a claim settled.

If you want knowledge and experience on your side, call the Law Office of Keith Short, P.C.  We will stand by you and fight for what you deserve.